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Category Archives: les chats

Having slept better than most Sundays into Mondays

This morning’s excitement:

A moth on the bedroom ceiling

Struggling to get to the moon

Both cats trying to get to the moth

It’s still up there, no longer in motion

And after their breakfast

They’ve returned to

The stakeout.

Sent via carrier pigeon

It is high time to give Lucy’s endearing habits some attention.

1. She likes to open drawers.   The drawers under my bed, that is.  The drawers in which the cat toys are stored, next to the sheets and blankets.  She likes to open them every day, sometimes more than once.  Sometimes she drags a toy or two out, but mostly it seems to be about the act of opening.  To be honest, it’s kind of annoying, since I have to be careful not to step in a drawer whenever I get out of bed, but it’s also kind of cute.  It was especially cute this morning:

Lucy in a drawer (that she opened herself)

Lucy in a drawer (that she opened herself)

She was looking particularly pleased with herself, I think because this was a tough drawer to open on account of the sheets rather wedged in there.

2. She likes to eat greens.  Not just the wheat grass you may have noticed near the drawer.  She likes to eat whatever is in my salad.  (Arugula is a favorite.)  I have to be very careful not to leave a salad unattended (especially if it has kitty dangers like onions and garlic) because she will find it and eat it.

Her love of plant matter isn’t limited to leaves.  Last week I caught her biting into a whole tomato left on the counter.  I don’t think she liked it; she jerked her head away after chomping into it, but I left it out on the counter a few more days just in case, disposing of it only after it started to sag around the puncture wounds.

3. She’s a chirper.  She chatters away whenever I am petting her, which is often since she has grown into quite the cuddler.

4. She likes to Facetime. Just ask M—-l.  Although he would probably complain that with Lucy it’s more like Butttime.  But seriously, when she hears the signature Facetime ringing, she is there, rubbing up against the iPhone, enjoying a chit-chat with that guy with the beard.

5. She is mesmerized by the mystery of reflected light.  Many an evening when I am washing dishes, she’s gazing up at the moving light on the ceiling, transfixed.  I wonder what aspect of feline instinct those glimmers on the ceiling tap into.

6. She seems to be trying to befriend Ella, and sometimes Ella will play a bit of chase with her, but that’s as friendly as I’ve seen so far.  Still, Lucy periodically approaches Ella to sniff, and no paws have be thrown recently, so I’m still hopeful.

7. She snuggles down to sleep next to me every night and most mornings she is first thing I’m aware of.  Sometimes this is annoying (like those times when she jumps on my abdomen).  But once I’m awake, her happy purrs and chirps (Oh joy!  Food Lady’s getting up to give us breakfast!) are quite endearing.

I had some doubts in the first couple of months, and Ella still might not agree, but Lucy was a good choice.  I think she’s happy here, too.

Lucy, phone-photographed by Kitty, watching safely from a distance that night we downed mulled wine and Trader Joe’s canapes:

Lucy by kitty

Ella, eating, screen-captured in Facetime by M—–l:

ella cropped

Ella, Lucy, and I went on a little road trip and stayed in a magic cottage the week of Thanksgiving.  The cottage is in Port Townsend, Washington, on the northeastern corner of the Olympic Peninsula.  This means we rode the ferry across the Puget Sound and then crossed the Hood Canal, where we had to wait for the drawbridge.

Sunset from the Hood Canal Bridge

Sunset from the Hood Canal Bridge

The cottage is nestled in trees and bushes in a very quiet spot.

the magic cottage

The magic cottage

Although they didn’t enjoy for the car ride, Ella and Lucy liked the cottage!  They had new spaces  and scents to explore, and birds to watch!

Ella in the magic cottage

Ella prepares to climb up to the loft

Lucy in the magic cottage

Lucy checks out the sunny couch

Ella in the magic cottage

Ella checks out the view from the loft

Lucy in the magic cottage

Lucy doesn’t quite make it up to the loft but enjoyed the view from the ladder

Ella in the magic cottage

Ella looks out the window

Lucy in the magic cottage

Lucy sunbathes

Ella and Lucy in the magic cottage

Both kitties enjoyed the light and shadows… and birds!

Images of Lucy keep revealing themselves…

… in a Halloween window display on my walk to work:

Lucy pumpkin style

Lucy pumpkin-style

…at a neighborhood sushi bar:

Happy Lucy Neko

Happy Lucy Neko

… in the lobby at the ballet:

Lucy-like costume

Lucy will evidently appear in PNB’s next production (The Sleeping Beauty)

… and then this morning on the Capitol Hill blog, in coverage on a new neighborhood restaurant:

Lucy's portrait at Tallulah

Lucy’s portrait at Tallulah’s (with apologies to photographer Alex Garland)

  • I am so very behind at work and outside of work.
  • That is just too much homework for a non-credit class.
  • Cough drops do not a meal make.
  • I really want some soup right now.
  • I can’t seem to finish anything I start.
  • I quite like my unfinished drawings, though.


  • I would like to mess around more in watercolor.
  • Early sunsets signal time for hibernation.
  • Given that I my ovaries haven’t produced for 11 months now I think this might really be it.
  • The hot flashes have really ramped up, though.
  • I really love having a car, even if it only gets used to run errands, take cats to the vet, and shuttle me to and from the ballet.
  • Lucy’s face is fully back in business, thank goodness.
  • No wonder everyone at the vet adores Ella:
Ella in my purse

Ella in my purse


She’s still here.

Her name is Lucy.

The above photo is courtesy of the family veterinary clinic.

She’s quite playful.

She arrived Thursday night.

My foster mom called me Yuki

My foster mom called me Yuki…

She’s 10 years young, and oh so sweet.

The name she came with was Yuki.  I have been told by several people I care about this is too close to Muki.

I might not change it.   It suits her.

If I do, two potential choices are Yeti and Zuzu.

Other name ideas are welcome.

She spent the first night in the bathroom, and last night was free range.  She already seems to have settled in, and Ella, while still a little wary, but generally doing okay with all this.  Which is good since my goal was to find a companion for her.  When they get too close to each other, there is a little hissing, and then one of them (usually YukiYetiZuzu) slowly skulks away, and then things are cool.  If that’s where things stand after only 36 hours, I’m very optimistic that friendship will follow.

We’re under the influence of Feliway!

Ella in an Expedit

Ella in an Expedit

… but probably not solitary for long.  I spent too much time today on Petfinder, and made an appointment to meet a kitty at a foster home Thursday evening.

But for now, Ella is enjoying having all of the attention.

Ella on the perch

Ella on the perch